Welcome to Core
Weekly Schedule
Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6 pm – 8 pm.
Bring a friend to this and join us for our friendly FREE PickleBall fun!
Pickleball Calendar
Select Pickleball event you wish to register for below.
Medical Forms
Off Campus Activities
NCCC Coyotes Running Group

Every Sunday at 7:00 AM We meet up at The Story Caffe on NCCC campus.
Switchback Hiking Group

Local Hikes (San Diego, San Bernardino, San Gabriel Mtns) We email notifications 2 weeks in advance.
Our Mission
Gospel Conversation & Discipleship through Sports
Core Ministries are a team of teams who use recreational sport, fitness and play as a vehicle for growing as disciples and making disciples of Christ. Bringing our faith into these areas equips people to become whole persons—spirit, soul and body as the Apostle Paul says–on the playing field of life.
For 20 years, NCCC has been using sport and play to spread the gospel and train disciples. It has been said that you can use sports to build character, but it always reveals character. Using sport and play, whether it’s training or proclaiming, Core Ministries (formerly Whole Life Sports) uses experiential learning to bring the universal truths of the Bible into our right now life.
We began in 2002 with KidsGames. The sport and plays element transformed our 250 kid VBS into an 1800 kid (in 2021) phenomena. It brought in more men and youth as volunteers and almost half of our participants from the community.
KidsGames was a catalyst. As it grew, so did we as trainers and experiential learning facilitators. The Bridge Conference was birthed and trained sports ministers, locally and internationally, in proclaiming the gospel through sports, building effective teams, handling the Bible, spiritual leadership and making disciples among other modules.
These modules became stand-alone trainings for coaches, athletes, and parents of athletes (also high school choirs, Rotary youth and adult leadership and churches and youth pastors and more). Core Ministries has taken these trainings on the road to churches and para-church ministries across the US and around the world.
Come play with us!