Vision for Renewal
Join us in a year of renewal as we prayerfully follow Jesus together in community.
Sacrificially giving our time, talent, and treasures.
We believe God has made us managers of His resources and part of life at North Coast is being a willing giver. Your giving advances the good news of Jesus Christ through:
Evangelism & Outreach | Discipleship | Training for Youth & Children | Local & Global Impact
Financial Integrity & Accountability
We value responsibility and transparency in stewarding the church’s finances and your giving. For over 25 years we have chosen to complete an annual accounting audit through an independent agency.
For a copy of our current financial audit please email our controller sherry.henry@northcoastcalvary.org
Ways to Give
Special Offerings
You can also elect to make a donation to one of our special funds by choosing one of the options below. For other types of donations, such as stocks or property, contact Sherry Henry at 760-929-0029 ext 168.
Frequently Asked Questions
Below is a list to some frequently asked questions. If you are having difficulty finding the answer to any question you may have please feel free to contact us direct Special Note: Biblically based stewardship should be followed in the use of credit cards. Please do not go into debt using credit cards to give. No contributions should be charged to your card that can’t be paid off in full at the end of the month. Thank you.
Is My Account Information Secure?
Can I Give a One-Time Gift?
Yes. By selecting “One Time” in the signup process.
Can I Set Up Recurring Gifts?
Yes, you’ll have the option of the frequency in which you contribute; weekly, every 2 weeks, monthly, or on the 1st & 15th of each month.