Mars Hill | Apologetics
Teaching, Training and Equipping the Saints
Mars Hill & Apologetics Calendar
Our purpose is to provide a learning center for teaching, training, and education to equip the saints for service. Mars Hill participants will be schooled in a Christian worldview that defends the historic and classical doctrines of the faith while applying biblical insights and critique to the world culture at large.
Each of the opportunities that we offer, from classrooms to special events, are designed to help you learn what we believe and why we believe, to better understand the times we live in, to give an answer for the hope within.
(1Peter 3:15)
Evenings on Mars Hill
The Mars Hill (Apologetics) ministry at North Coast Calvary Chapel is designed to equip, encourage, and enrich Christians in their faith. We offer seminars with guest speakers (“Evenings on Mars Hill”), Group Discussions, Lectures and more that will help you grow as a Christian, develop a Biblical world-view and build your confidence in reaching others as you seek to “live out Christ in culture.”